Biden Refuses To Protect Top 2024 Presidential Candidate

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in a recent letter to Alejandro Mayorkas, the Homeland Security Secretary, pushed for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be offered protection from the Secret Service. Kennedy’s request for protection was denied previously.

In the letter, Cruz urged Mayorkas to provide protection to Kennedy Jr., especially given the exceptional circumstances in the race.

In July Kennedy had shared online that his Secret Service protection request had been denied. He also pointed out that following the 1968 assassination of his father the Secret Service has offered presidential candidates protection. However, Kennedy’s request was denied 88 days after being made.

Cruz pointed out in his letter that typically such a request has a fourteen-day turnover and questioned why Kennedy’s had taken so much longer.

In September during one of Kennedy’s events in Los Angeles, an armed man was arrested after posing as a U.S. marshal. Kennedy stated that his security had apprehended the man and that they had been waiting for the arrival of the Los Angeles police, who later stated that the man did not carry a weapon or threaten any of the event’s attendees.

Kennedy had stated following the incident that he was still hopeful that President Biden might end up providing him with Secret Service protections.

Cruz also argued that this incident and arrest are an indication of why protection is needed. He added that the “near assassination attempts” was not a surprise given the original request filed by Kennedy which covered all of the risks he was facing.

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