(TruthAndLiberty.com) – A group of protesters that refer to themselves as “God’s Army” are traveling to the U.S. southern border with organizers in an attempt to showcase the loose immigration policies of the Biden administration.
The convoy is aiming to attract 700,000 to join on their journey. Take Our Border Back organizer Kim Yeater told the New York Post that they were all ordinary U.S. citizens and not conspiracy theorists, He added that this is meant to just serve as a peaceful assembly of U.S. citizens from different ethnicities and classes.
His group which left Virginia and has stopped overnight in Florida is hoping to gain the support of even more people. Reportedly the convoy includes multiple trucks and vans, many of which joined in Florida. On Tuesday they are planning to make their way through Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana reaching Texas. The convoy is set to arrive in Quemado which is a city around 20 miles north of Eagle Pass, Texas where a rally is scheduled to be held on Saturday.
Yeater revealed to the Post that they have been joined by Canadian truckers, parents, and motorcyclists and that they were looking for anyone willing to join them in order to reach their goal of 700,000 people if not more.
On Thursday the convoy is going to move forward from Texas and head towards Yuma, Arizona, a border town that has been overwhelmed by the influx of illegal immigrants for a rally. A rally is also set to take place on Saturday morning in San Ysidro, California.
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