Migrants Being Secretly Housed Where?

Photo by Andrew Ling on Unsplash

(TruthAndLiberty.com) – On Monday, Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy noted that workers in an unmarked building in Tucson, Arizona, which is suspected of being used to house migrants, had asked her to leave the facility while refusing to answer all of her questions. 

The host of the “Fox & Friends Weekend” received the original tip to investigate the Casa Alitas facility, which had all exterior signs removed. As she pointed out, the lack of signs was considered an indication that this facility housed an NGO (non-governmental organization) that was being used to house illegal immigrants. 

Campos-Duffy had entered the facility asking the woman behind the hotel counter whether she could book a room. However, the woman was quick to drive the reporter away arguing that this was “private property.” 

The woman did not answer any questions that the reporter had regarding who the property belonged to. Instead, she had asked security to escort the woman from the building.

Campos-Duffy had asked the elderly security guard who had escorted her out of the property whether there were illegal immigrants being housed in the property using government funding. However, the woman worker insisted that if the Fox News crew did not leave the property they would call the police against them. 

Campos-Duffy had simply responded by telling the woman to call the police.

A younger woman had also joined in the altercation calling for the crew to leave. 

Campos-Duffy however insisted that this was an NGO that was using government money. The worker did not answer any of the questions being asked by the reporter regarding what the organization does. 

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