McConnell Speaks On Possible Government Shutdown

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., stated that he would not let a government shutdown occur, and noted that Americans were going to be looking at the way Congress was acting. 

The funding deadline for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Transportations, and Veterans Affairs is at the end of the week, which means that multiple government agencies would be expiring if Congress did not quickly take action. 

McConnell informed reporters that they would not allow a government shutdown to take place. 

On the Senate floor, he proceeded to warn that without taking action by Friday the country would be facing needless disruptions to agriculture, military construction, and other essential services. He pointed out that this was harmful to the country and that there were no positive outcomes either in politics or policy that could come out of this. He proceeded to note that it is completely possible for them to avoid a shutdown this week. 

McConnell argued that this week they would have both the means and time to do everything needed to avoid a government shutdown as well as to make important moves regarding annual appropriations. However, he added that much like always this would require that everyone unite in the same direction and towards appropriations. He continued by saying that Americans were going to be watching to see whether or not Congress fulfills its responsibility this week. 

Appropriations Committee ranking member Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine told The Hill that there was a big difference between the Republican and Democrat negotiators in the two chambers, but that there was progress being made despite the chatter that people heard. 

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