FBI Target Christian Supreme Court Justice

Photo by Adam Michael Szuscik on Unsplash

(TruthAndLiberty.com) – People of Praise, a conservative religious group, is currently under investigation by the FBI following reports that many of its members had been abused by the group. One of the group’s most famous members is Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

Barrett’s connection to the group which seeks to elevate the role of men has led to many people questioning her position as a member of the USA’s highest court.

In 2020, a former member of the group stated that women in the group were told to be completely “obedient” to their husbands and the other men who were members of the group. Those who did not abide by this were “shamed, shunned, humiliated.”
The FBI has spoken with at least five individuals who used to belong to the group. This was confirmed by the PoP Survivors spokesperson on Tuesday.

PoP Survivors has been pushing for the group to be investigated over the allegations of sexual abuse for years. The group’s spokesperson noted that the group had unanimously voted to bring these allegations in front of federal law enforcement. They added that they provided the FBI with evidence of a pattern of sexual abuse and cover-up revolving around the group which had spanned for decades. As part of these patterns victims were told to not approach law enforcement while the abusers were moved around and were then proclaimed to be “healed” instead of being taken to law enforcement.

The spokesperson revealed that they expected that the FBI was going to contact more people from the group, however, it is not yet clear whether a formal investigation is going to be launched.

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