Biden’s Shocking Link To Abraham Lincoln Discovered

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – The National Archives recently discovered documents that showed that the great-great-grandfather of President Biden had received a presidential pardon from President Lincoln. 

In the report, it is noted that Moses J. Robinette, who is related to the current President, had ended up fighting another Union Army civilian employee while they were camped close to Beverly Ford, Virginia. The incident had taken place on March 12, 1864, while the civil war was going on. 

Robinette was charged with attempted murder after he left John J. Alexander bleeding from knife wounds. As a result of this action, he was incarcerated close to Florida. 

Three of the friends of Robinette who had been U.S. Army officers had ended up directly petitioning Lincoln in order for their friend to receive a presidential pardon and have his sentence overturned. They further claimed that the sentence he had been dealt with was particularly harsh as he was just “defending himself using a Penknife. 

They continued by arguing that Robinette was a big supporter of the Union who had stood up against those who were attempting to destroy the government. They also encouraged Lincoln to think about Robinette’s motherless children at home. 

The petition had originally reached the desk of West Virginia Sen. Waitman T. Willey, who gave his endorsement. This endorsement allowed the case to reach Lincoln in the White House, which ultimately led to the request being agreed on and Robinette being pardoned. He was pardoned in 1864 according to the newly discovered documents. 

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