Biden Declares War On 2nd Amendment?

Photo by Tom Def on Unsplash

On Tuesday President Biden announced that he would be signing a new executive order which would help bring down the levels of gun violence in the nation. During an afternoon speech in Monterey Park, California, a city that suffered from a mass shooting when a gunman opened fire at the dance hall in January and killed 11 people while injuring others during their Lunar New Year celebration, Biden started by paying respect to those who were victims of the attack.

He then proceeded to say that his executive order would help “accelerate and intensify” the rates at which they are saving lives.

With this new executive order, the number of background checks required before the purchase of a gun is going to be increased. The bill will also promote more secure firearm storage and help U.S. law enforcement agencies get as much as possible out of the bipartisan gun control law that had gone through last summer.

While the president’s order will not affect U.S. government policy, it will provide federal agencies with more direction on how they can be compliant with the current laws and procedures. Executive orders are normally issued by the President, but they have some limitations as they don’t need the cooperation of Congress.

The order also instructs the Cabinet to come up with a structured plan that would in order to provide more support to communities that have suffered from gun violence. Attorney General Merrick Garland will also need to come up with rules for federally licensed gun dealers so that they can be sure that they know what is required as part of the background checks for their license.