Biden Finds Himself In An Ugly Fight With Netanyahu, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

( – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has intensified his public disagreement with President Biden concerning the ongoing conflict in Gaza, notably accusing the U.S. President of withholding arms deliveries. This dispute, according to analysts, seems strategically timed to potentially embarrass the Biden administration before the upcoming U.S. elections.

The disagreement surfaced publicly last week when Netanyahu claimed in a video that he had discussed with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken the “inconceivable” act of the U.S. holding back arms during Blinken’s visit to Israel.

This claim was quickly refuted by Blinken and other Biden administration officials, who reproached Netanyahu for instigating a dispute.

Netanyahu, however, has reiterated his stance, amid speculations that he favors a return to power for Donald Trump, who is expected to face Biden in the next presidential debate. Observers like Laura Blumenfeld, a senior fellow at Johns Hopkins University, suggest Netanyahu’s actions are aimed at undermining Biden to curry favor with Republicans, anticipating a possible Trump re-election.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has critiqued Netanyahu’s approach as an irresponsible provocation that jeopardizes the intricate U.S.-Israel relationship, accusing him of attempting to sabotage Biden’s re-election campaign through his public criticisms.

Trump’s presidency was marked by a notably close relationship with Netanyahu, highlighted by the U.S. embassy’s move to Jerusalem and the establishment of the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations.

Despite a past fallout over Netanyahu acknowledging Biden’s 2020 election victory, there are indications from figures like Ehud Yaari of The Washington Institute that Netanyahu believes this “special relationship” can be restored.

Contrastingly, Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, also from Netanyahu’s Likud party, has shown a willingness to work collaboratively with the Biden administration, emphasizing a division in approach between him and Netanyahu.

This rift comes as Biden has expressed dissatisfaction with the ongoing war in Gaza and concerns about escalating conflict with Hezbollah, which has been involved in skirmishes supporting the Palestinian cause.

The dispute also highlights a deeper division within U.S. political circles regarding Netanyahu’s handling of the war, with calls from various quarters, including some Democrats, for a more measured approach to minimize civilian casualties in Gaza and suggestions for a Palestinian Authority-led governance post-conflict.

The Biden administration maintains that its support for Israel remains steadfast, though the pace of arms transfers might have slowed due to bureaucratic processes rather than a deliberate withholding of support.

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