Trump Explains Why GOP Lost Midterms

Photo by Mirah Curzer on Unsplash

Former President Trump has said that the reason for the Republican’s underwhelming performance in the 2022 midterm elections was because of the “abortion issue.” In a post on Truth Social on Sunday Trump said that many in the GOP did not handle the “abortion issue” correctly. He added that this is especially true for those who stood “firmly” against the procedure and did not make any exceptions for cases of rape, incest, or endangerment of the mother’s life.

He said that this issue was the reason for the party’s performance. These comments were widely seen as a response to those GOP members who had pointed to Trump and called him out for being the cause of the GOP’s failed midterm elections.

Republicans had been hoping that they would be able to win back both the House and the Senate with large majorities, however, this ambition was not realized. The GOP managed to secure the majority, albeit a narrow one, in the House while failing to win back control of the Senate. Many Trump-backed candidates also failed to win the general elections they were in. Following their lack of success, many GOP members called Trump out for choosing candidates that were weaker.

However, Trump said that Republican voters who had for decades pushed against abortion rights saw their wishes materialized when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. He added that it was his appointments during his presidency that allowed the court to have a conservative majority and thus to the 5-4 decision for Roe v. Wade to be overturned.