Shocking New Details Emerge Of U.S. Intel Leaker

Photo by Arget on Unsplash

On Wednesday the Washington Post in their latest report alleged that the person responsible for the major leak of classified U.S. intelligence documents was a man in his 20s who worked in a military base. The documents were first shared through Discord, a chat app.

The report states that they spoke with a teenage member of the Discord chat group where the messages were originally leaked. The source also allegedly knew the leaker’s real name and address and would be able to assist the authorities in locating him.

The source also revealed that the leaker ran a Discord group called “Thug Shaker Central,” and used the username “OG.” The Post received parental permission before discussing the case with the teen who claimed that “OG” had leaked large numbers of classified material with the two dozen members of the Discord group.

The Post proceeded to describe the group claiming they are “tight-knit”  and it included foreign citizens from multiple countries including Russia and Ukraine. Most of the posts were written by “OG” who after some time got tired of writing the intelligence information out and instead switched to taking photos of the documents and sharing them with the group. “OG” reportedly is working in an unnamed “military base” and was sharing the documents only as a way of keeping other group members “in the loop” and not because he was working with another country or was trying to threaten U.S. security.