(TruthAndLiberty.com) – On Wednesday, President Joe Biden’s 200th nominee on the federal judiciary was confirmed by the Senate. Throughout his term in office, Biden has been working to counter former President Donald Trump’s imprint on the country’s judiciary system.
The Senate approved Magistrate Judge Angela Martinez in a 66-28 vote, making her the newest U.S. district court judge in Arizona. Her new position was established with the support of 45 Democrats, 18 Republicans, and three independents.
Judges are particularly important to the judiciary system as they are the ones to uphold basic rights as Biden pointed out in his statement. He added that these were the people who were hearing cases and getting to decide on the freedoms of women relating to reproductive healthcare, workers who wanted to unionize, or people who were looking to have access to voting.
Only hours after the confirmation of his 200th nominee, the Senate also confirmed another Biden nominee Dena Coggins who is going to be a U.S. District Court Judge in the Eastern District of California. She managed to receive the necessary votes with 50 votes in favor of her nomination.
Judiciary Committee chair Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill, stated that President Biden had nominated people who represented the best in the country’s judiciary. He added that all of them have been very highly qualified which marks a departure from the record of the previous administration.
During his one term in the White House Trump appointed 234 federal judges, a particularly high number when considering that in his two terms in office, former President Barack Obama had appointed 329 people.
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