Attacks On Law Enforcement Rising?

Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

( – A new FBI report has noted that last year there was a slight drop in the number of killed law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. However, there has been an increase in assaults faced by officers. 

In 2023 a total of 60 officers have been killed in the line of duty, marking only a one-person decrease from 2022. The FBI collected the data from law enforcement agencies across the country. It noted that while there has been an overall decrease in the number of deaths over the three past years, the three-year period had the largest number of law enforcement deaths, 193, over any other three-year period in the last two decades. 

Last year around 52 percent of officers had been killed by gunshot wounds with the majority of those killed being male, 54 people, while only six were female. The largest number of officers killed was in the South, where one-third of the deaths had taken place. 

While the number of on-duty deaths might have slightly dropped, 2023 had the highest officer assault rates, with 13.2 assaults per 100 officers. The report found that in total there were 79,091 assaults and that the number of officers who had gotten injured by a gun had been around 466, marking a decade-record high. 

The FBI report was released during National Police Week, where officers are planning to honor those officers who have fallen while on duty.

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